Don't do in Dubai
Dubai,  United Arab Emirates

Don’t do in Dubai: Things to Avoid to Steer Clear of Legal Trouble When Traveling to or Living in Dubai UAE

Although certain behaviours may seem normal and acceptable for us, they may actually be illegal or culturally inappropriate in Dubai, UAE. In order to prevent any legal issues, it’s crucial to be aware of local laws and customs when travelling or living in Dubai and other cities in the UAE. This article highlights the behaviours that should be avoided in Dubai, UAE to steer clear of fines or potential imprisonment and deportation. By respecting the local culture and following regulations, you can have an enjoyable experience while in Dubai.

1.Swear in Dubai UAE

Swearing at people in public is not only against the culture but also illegal in Dubai UAE. 

It can possibly result in severe penalties, including heavy fines or imprisonment.

Don’t forget to remind your friends who have a habit of swearing, don’t swear in Dubai, UAE! Especially, never use foul language with Arabs. Even if you’re extremely angry, you would have to refrain from doing so.

2.Take alcohol to non-designated areas in Dubai UAE

Due to religious reasons, alcohol regulations are very strict in many Arab countries. However, compared to other cities and Arab countries, Dubai is relatively convenient when it comes to finding and consuming alcohol, since Dubai has become an internationally renowned tourist city, and the tourism industry is important to its development. 

Nevertheless, Dubai still has regulations regarding the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Unlike in our usual experience where we can buy alcohol from convenience stores or supermarkets, purchasing and consuming alcohol in Dubai requires visiting restaurants, bars, hotels, and specific retailers that hold a license to sell alcoholic beverages. 

Consumption is limited to designated areas. Even international tourists are prohibited from drinking alcohol or carrying alcohol outside of designated areas. So make sure you only consume alcohol at licensed bars, restaurants, hotels and stores. 

If you also love beach bars and restaurants, here are some good ones that I love going to, where you can enjoy the ocean view and great vibes while sipping cocktails. 

3.Be naked in public or even at your balcony at home in Dubai UAE

This may sound like a joke, but it is a serious matter in Arab countries. In 2021, a group of models and a photographer were taking nude photos on their residence balconies, and they ended up being deported (you can still find the news online).

Be cautious and avoid doing such activities. For people who are used to being unclothed at home for comfort, you might want to be mindful when visiting Dubai. Try to avoid standing naked on your residence balcony or leaving doors and windows open where you can be seen from outside would help.

4.Take photos of people without permission in Dubai UAE

Attention to all street photographers and anyone who enjoys capturing photos of people. When in Dubai, you might find the sight of Arab individuals wearing black and white clothes quite special to photograph. However, you would want to refrain from taking pictures of strangers on the street without their consent, especially women and children. This act is considered highly disrespectful to personal privacy and may lead to legal consequences.

For our work, we were extremely cautious when photographing both men and women. We had to seek their consent before taking any pictures, and we had them sign a written agreement stating their approval. For those who do not wish to be photographed, we absolutely respect their wishes and refrain from capturing their images, as doing otherwise is against the law.

If you wish to capture photos of individuals in Dubai, UAE, ensure that you ask them for permission beforehand.

5.Dress inappropriately in Dubai UAE

This is one thing I had most problem with when I was packing for the Dubai journey. I didn’t know what I should wear or should not wear since I’ve seen so many strict rules about it online. 

After I personally experienced a year long life in Dubai, now I can inform you that there are no strict rules on how non-Muslims should dress in Dubai, except in religious areas such as mosquesTourists can wear T-shirt, shorts, dress, tank tops, skirt on the street and can even wear swimwear (bikinis) at the designated pool and beach areas. However it is still important to respect the local culture and avoid dressing too revealingly, as it may offend locals and their religion. 

As for visiting a mosque in the UAE, make sure to cover your arms and legs is very important. I have provided guidelines in this article on what to wear, including pictures of what should and should not wear, so as to help you plan your visit to Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, a must visit mosque when you visit the UAE

6.Drive or park a dirty car in Dubai UAE

It may come as a surprise, but driving or parking a dirty car in Dubai or other cities in the UAE can result in a fine. I only learned about this after speaking with five Dubai residents, who informed me of the existence of this law.

I then instantly understood the reason why many of my friends in Dubai would rush to the car wash after visiting the desert or whenever their cars got dirty. Also it makes sense why during my time in Dubai, I rarely see dirty cars on the road.

7.Bring forbidden drugs, pork products, and pornography into Dubai UAE

To comply with Islamic culture and UAE laws, ensure that you do not carry these items when flying to Dubai, UAE. To obtain information about drugs and controlled medicines, please visit Https://

8.Make rude gestures to people in Dubai UAE

Similar to swearing in Dubai UAE, showing middle fingers and other rude gestures can result in legal punishment. 

9.Disregard the need to stop at zebra crossings when you are driving in Dubai UAE

Drivers are obligated to yield to pedestrians crossing the road, so make sure you always slow down when approaching one, and let the pedestrians go first. Otherwise you can get fined too. 

Other issues that were once illegal are now less strictly enforced:

1.Can an unmarried couple live in the same hotel room in Dubai UAE?

Yes, you can now. Usually hotels just check both of your IDs at check-in, so make sure to bring your resident card or passport. 

2.Can people hold hands in public in Dubai UAE?

This one isn’t as strict as before, and we’ve often seen foreign couples holding hands in Dubai. But no more than this though, as such behaviours may offend locals and their culture. 

For more information on local laws and customs, consult with the authorities or refer to official guidelines.

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