The Wisdom of Trauma創傷的智慧經典句:幫助我們更了解自己、世界、疾病和心靈創傷的療癒啟發紀錄片
List of Contents
The Wisdom of Trauma 創傷的智慧觀後感想

“Trauma is not the bad things that happen to you, but what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you”- The Wisdom of Trauma.
「創傷不是發生在你身上的壞事,而是因為你的遭遇,你內心所產生的事。」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
“Are we free? Are we conscious? Are we making a decision based on full awareness or are we driven by unconscious dynamics that we’ve inherited or that we developed as a response to childhood trauma? As far as we’re not conscious, we are not free”- The Wisdom of Trauma.
「我們是自由的嗎?我們是具有意識有覺察的嗎?我們在做決定的時候,是在意識清楚,知道我們在做什麼以及原因的前提下做出來呢?或者這些決策是由各種過去創傷所產生並延續的無意識機制所驅動?只要我們意識不是清楚的,我們就不是自由的。」 – 《創傷的智慧》嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
看完這部豐富、議題滿滿、有很多根據創傷專家Gabor Mate醫師實踐研究的觀點和故事的紀錄片,我有很多疑惑都被解答了。它更加深我所相信的:如果我們想要一個更美好、更和平的世界,就必須從自己開始。我們每個人都必須找到清楚的自我意識,找到影響自己個性和人生的心靈創傷,並找到治癒的方法,這樣我們才不會將因心靈創傷而產生的負面情緒、行為傳遞給他人或是這世界。或許,當更多的人都療癒後,可以為這世界帶來更多光明和慈悲,進而為我們所有人帶來一個更美好的世界。
The Wisdom Of Trauma 創傷的智慧句子和對話
創傷的智慧句子- 心靈創傷與自我和世界的關聯

- 「一位希臘劇作家寫到:上帝創造了我們人類,使我們必須通過苦難來獲得真理。作為人類,我們的工作就是從苦難中學習、從中成長。我們不必一直自己忍受痛苦,以及將自己的痛苦帶給周遭,並也造成別人的痛苦。」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
”A Greek playwright wrote that the Gods created us human beings so that we have to suffer into truth. Our job as human beings is to learn from our suffering and to grow from it. We don’t have to keep perpetuating pain for ourselves and inflicting suffering onto others”. – Gabor Mate
- 「經歷和處理創傷可以教會我們很多智慧,並揭示因創傷而被掩蓋的我們存在的美好」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
“Working through trauma can teach us so much wisdom and can reveal the beauty of our existence, that because of trauma, you had lost sight of”. – Gabor Mate
「每個人都有一個真實的自我,那真實的、真正的自我,是永遠都不可被摧毀的。」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
“Every human being has a true, genuine authentic self. and that true, genuine authentic self can never be destroyed”. – Gabor Mate
真實性其實是生存的需要。如果你為了生存或適應你周遭的環境,而壓抑了你的直覺和真實性,那將會有什麼樣的情況發生?」 -《創傷的智慧》嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
- 「創傷從根本上說就是意味著我們失去了與自我的連結。那為什麼我們與自我的連結會斷掉呢?因為做自己太痛苦了。一旦我們失去連結,將會對我們終身有影響,例如我不再知道如何處理情緒,這也意味著我在關係中感到痛苦的時候,我會立刻把自己抽離出這段關係,這樣我就不必去感受那些我不知道怎麼處理的情緒。這也意味著,當我的直覺告訴我一些事的時候,我不會聽從我的直覺走。」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
- 「創傷也會影響我們大腦的發展,某些關鍵的大腦迴路與我們如何反應、回應和調節自己、我們如何處理壓力、如何與他人互動、我們有多少同情心和洞察力息息相關。中額葉皮質的這些功能會受到創傷而被限制和抑制,因為大腦是在與環境的相互作用中發展。」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
- 「刑事司法系統對創傷的概念並沒有理解,甚至根本不熟悉,事實上他們制定的政策經常更加深了這些人的創傷,這些機構需要知道什麼是創傷以及如何應對它。」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
愛心監獄計畫發起人 Fritzi Hortsman:「我認為社會對監獄的認識是錯的,他們只看到犯人們身上的錯誤和他們所犯的錯,而不是在他們人生中發生了什麼事(而導致他們變成這樣)。」
“The society got prison wrong and they are seeing what’s wrong with people instead of what happened to people. – Fritzi Hortsman, Founder of Compassion Prison Project

「當我們開始對自己寬容和富有同情心的時候,這不但可以改變我們自己,也可以改變我們周遭的群體和社會。」– Fritzi Hortsman
“When we start the journey of being compassionate with ourselves, not only does it change ourselves, it changes our communities and our society”. – Fritzi Hortsman, Founder of Compassion Prison Project
「在創傷人格的表象之下,存在著一個在這一生從未能表達出自己的健康個體。如果你能看到這一點,那你對創傷就是有概念的,這不是要治癒創傷或去忘記發生過的事,而是要幫助那個人擴展出去,使得他的所有情緒都有容身之地(可以表達出來)。」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
“Underneath the traumatised persona, there’s the healthy individual who has never found expression in this life. If you see that, then you are trauma informed, it’s not a question of healing the trauma, or of ever getting rid of the memory of what happened, but to help that person expand so that there’s space for all those emotions”.- Gabor Mate
- 「解決方案是透過不斷、漸進的與真相對抗的過程才會出現的。由於創傷涉及了一生的壓抑、大量的能量消耗以及對痛苦的麻木,當我們在療癒時,這些能量就會被釋放出來,可用在生活以及專注於活在當下。因此,創傷的能量是可以轉化成為生命的能量的。」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
“It’s through a dynamic, emergent process of confrontation with the truth that solutions will arise. Trauma involves a lifelong pushing down, a tremendous expenditure of energy, and not feeling the pain. As we heal, that same energy is liberated for life and for being in the present. so the energy of trauma can be transformed into the energy of life”. – Gabor Mate’s quote from The Wisdom of Trauma
- 「創傷的影響是多代相傳的。你無法找出誰該付這責任,這並不是由某個人開始的,而是從一代延續到下一代,不斷延續。」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
“Effects of trauma are multi-generational. You can’t pick out who’s at fault here. It didn’t begin with anybody, it goes on and on and on from one generation to the next”. – Gabor Mate
- 「創傷的產生,只需要那些疏遠自己內心感受的父母,當看到自己孩子在哭時,卻不把他們抱起來,使那個小孩渴望著那樣的一段關係,僅此而已就會產生創傷。」-《創傷的智慧》嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
「孩子們不是因為他們受傷了而產生創傷,造成孩子們的創傷是因為他們在受傷、痛苦的時候是獨自一人面對,孤立無援而成。」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
“Children don’t get traumatised because they get hurt, children get traumatised because they are alone with the hurt”. – Gabor Mate
- 「在你小時候心情不好的時候,你會和誰說?當痛苦在那裡卻沒有人可以分享,那麼那個孩子對於處理這情緒和問題的資源就非常有限,他們能做的就是切斷與自我的連結。當你與自己連結斷掉後,你就不再擁有你自己,你就迷失了自我。」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
“When you felt bad as a kid, who did you speak to? When the pain is there and there’s no one to share it with, and the child’s got very limited resources to deal with that, what they do is they disconnect from themselves. When you disconnect from yourself, you no longer have yourself. You’ve lost yourself“. – Gabor Mate
Gabor Mate: “when you do all the stuff for the people, what are you doing to yourself?”
The patient: “I’m abandoning me”.
「我們是在用我們的心智創造世界。所以如果我的世界觀認為這個世界是個可怕的地方,那在我所活得這個世界我就必須要很強勢進取、要對事情抱著懷疑、還要很有競爭力、並且讓自己越強大越好這樣我就不會被吞噬。所以我必須是宏大又狡滑的,因為那就是我生活的世界。對於這些人,我們的社會是以權力作為他們的獎賞」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
“With our minds we create the world. So if I have a worldview that the world is a horrible place, then I’m going to live in a world where I have to be aggressive, suspicious, competitive, and make myself as big as possible so I don’t get eaten up. So I have to be grandiose and cunning because that’s the world I’m living in. and these are the people that our society rewards with power (in The Wisdom of Trauma, this part shows clips of Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un and wars)”. – Gabor Mate
「我們的反應不是對事件本身做出反應,而是對我們對事件的理解所作出的反應。我們的反應不是針對當下,而是回應過去。」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
“We don’t respond to what happens, we respond to our perception of what happens. We don’t respond to the present moment, we respond to the past. – Gabor Mate
「療癒的好處和美好在於當你追溯到過去造成你觀念的事件,然後你可以重新架構事物,你看到了源頭其實在我們的內心,而不是歸咎於他人。突然之間你就解放了自己,因為如果你把自己感覺到不舒服的情緒怪罪到別人對你做了什麼事,那你就把自己當成是受害者,但如果你能看到其實源頭是自己,情緒都是自己引起的,那你就是非常有力量的。」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
“The beauty of healing is when you trace back to what happened in the past that shaped your perception, and then you reframe things, you can actually see the source within ourselves, instead of blaming all on others. All of a sudden that’s liberating, because if you are feeling that way because this guy did this or didn’t do that, that makes you a victim. But if you see that you are the source, now you are powerful”. – Gabor Mate
創傷的智慧句子- 心靈創傷與疾病的關聯
「幾乎所有的痛苦,無論是精神疾病還是身體疾病,其共同的模板其實是創傷。」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
“The common template for virtually all afflictions, mental illness, physical disease is in fact trauma.“ – Gabor Mate
- 「大多數慢性疾病是身體對於人想要“說不”時,卻因為想要融入社會和適應周遭環境而不得不壓抑自己,而又說好時發出的訊號。所以在治療過程我們可以問自己這疾病與我生活、關係以及我如何對待自己之間意味著什麼,這教會了我什麼」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
“Most chronic illness is a way of the body saying no when the person suppresses their NO in order to fit in. As part of that healing process, we can actually ask ourselves what does the illness mean about my life and my relationships, and particularly about how I treat myself? What can I learn from it? “ – Gabor Mate
- 「那些得癌症的人通常都是善良、關心別人情感需求甚於自己或是忽略自己需求的人。他們對於健康的表達憤怒感到困難,並且他們有個自己絕對不能讓任何人失望的想法。」-《創傷的智慧》嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
“People that develop cancer tend to be nice people who are more concerned with the emotional needs of others than their own. They have a hard time expressing healthy anger, and also they have this belief that they must not disappoint anybody”. – Gabor Mate
- 「真理存在於我們每個人的內心,我們只需要提出正確的問題,幫助人們找到真理」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
“The truth is inside all of us, we just have to ask the right questions to help people arrive at the truth”. – Gabor Mate
創傷的智慧句子- 心靈創傷與成癮的關聯
“An addiction is any behaviour that a person finds relief in the short term and craves but suffers negative consequences and can not give it up”. – Gabor Mate
「成癮的癮可能是毒品、酒精、尼古丁、也可能是性行為、賭博、購物、一直吃、也可能是A片、可能是網路、遊戲、工作、也可能是人際關係,這就是成癮。」- 嘉柏‧麥特
“There are so many addictions, could be drugs obviously, alcohol, nicotine, could also be sex, could be gambling, could be shopping, could be eating, could be pornography, could be the internet, could be gaming, could be work, could be relationships. That’s what an addiction is”. – Gabor Mate’s quotes from The Wisdom of Trauma
「我們要問的第一個問題不是為什麼成癮,而是為什麼有痛苦。人們為什麼會成癮?而且其實成癮不是疾病。這是屬於人類對創傷的正常反應,當人們感到痛苦的時候他們想逃避痛苦,這很正常。」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
“First issue is not why the addiction but why the pain? Why do people really get addicted, which has got nothing to do with disease. It’s among the normal human responses to trauma. When people are suffering, they want to escape their suffering. That’s normal”. – Gabor Mate
「我認為我們的社會不理解成癮,如果沒有成癮,成癮者會覺得自己不完整,他們感到內心有著巨大的空虛,所以那些癮是為了讓他們暫時感到完整和彌補空虛的一些管道。為什麼要對他們指手畫腳,為什麼要去批判那些成癮的群體,那些碰巧用過藥物的人們?他們是如此渴望著想要逃避那些對他們很殘酷的現實。」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
“Our society just doesn’t understand addiction. Without the addiction, those addicted people feel incomplete, they feel this huge emptiness inside, It’s as if the addiction was to complete themselves, and to somehow temporarily cover up the emptiness“. – Gabor Mate
“Why the finger-pointing, why the judgements on a particular group of people who are addicted who happen to use substances? They were that desperate to escape from reality because reality had been so cruel to them”. – Gabor Mate
“The people with additions and the homeless people are the human not being identified in the light in which they deserve to be. Caretakers in this world need to see the human in front of us, not the problem”.- a social worker
「如果我們明白成癮不是主要問題,而是對創傷的一種反應,那就很明顯,如果要戒除癮,你就必須治療你的創傷。但這意味著你看到了控制著那個人的傷口。」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
“If we understand that the addiction is not the primary problem, but really a response to trauma, then it becomes obvious that in order to heal addiction, you have to heal the trauma. But it means that you see the wound that’s driving that person”. – Gabor Mate

「在創傷人格的表象之下,存在著一個在這一生從未能表達出自己的健康個體,因為他從未被給予過一個空間或是一段關係是能讓他把自己最真實的一面表達出來的機會。」- 嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
“Underneath that traumatised persona, there’s the healthy individual who has never found expression in this life because they were never given the venue for expression, never given the relationships, in which they could, their all authentic humanity could be expressed”. – Gabor Mate
「透過接納人們當下的狀態,把他們當一般人對待,而不是試圖想要去改變他們,實際這就會開啟轉變他們的可能性。」-《創傷的智慧》嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)
“By meeting people where they’re at and treating them like human beings and not trying to change them can actually open up the possibility of transformation for them”. – Gabor Mate’s quotes from The Wisdom of Trauma
- 「我們必須開始去看在我們彼此身上是經歷過發生過什麼事,而不是去看我們彼此有什麼問題和過錯。」- Fritzi Hortsman
“We gotta start seeing each other for what happened to us and not what’s wrong with us”- Fritzi Hortsman, Founder of Compassion Prison Project
The Wisdom of Trauma創傷的智慧去哪看?

你可以去The Wisdom of Trauma《創傷的智慧》紀錄片官網看這部片。
這裡還有組織提供的另外一些關於《創傷的智慧》影片資源– Companion booklet of The Wisdom of Trauma,想多了解創傷可以自行下載。
或是去看嘉柏‧麥特(Gabor Maté)的書:《癮-駛往地獄的列車,該如何跳下》(In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction)。
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